Fun and Educational Thanksgiving Lesson Plan for Toddlers: Celebrating Gratitude, Friendship, and Sharing

Fun and Educational Thanksgiving Lesson Plan for Toddlers: Celebrating Gratitude, Friendship, and Sharing

Here's a lesson plan for toddlers about Thanksgiving that introduces the concepts of gratitude, friendship, and sharing:

Title: Thanksgiving: Celebrating Gratitude, Friendship, and Sharing


  • To introduce toddlers to the concept of Thanksgiving and its importance
  • To teach toddlers about gratitude, friendship, and sharing through fun activities and interactive discussions

Materials Needed:

  • Picture books about Thanksgiving
  • Craft materials such as construction paper, crayons, glue, and scissors
  • Thanksgiving-themed coloring sheets or printables
  • Music player for playing Thanksgiving songs or nursery rhymes

Lesson Plan:

  1. Introduction (5 minutes)

    • Gather the toddlers in a circle and start the lesson by asking them if they know what Thanksgiving is. Encourage them to share their thoughts and ideas.
  2. Storytelling (10 minutes)

    • Read a picture book about Thanksgiving that is suitable for their age, such as "Taylor the Thankful Turkey "  or "The Great Thanksgiving Feast" by Sonica Ellis.
    • Pause occasionally during the reading to engage the toddlers by asking questions or encouraging them to predict what might happen next.
  3. Discussion (10 minutes)

    • After reading the book, have a group discussion about the story and the concepts of gratitude, friendship, and sharing.
    • Ask questions like:
      • What are some things we are thankful for?
      • How can we show our friends that we care about them?
      • Why is sharing important?
  4. Craft activity: Thankful Turkey (15 minutes)

    • Provide each toddler with a cut-out turkey shape made from construction paper.
    • Instruct them to draw or write things they are thankful for on the turkey's feathers.
    • Encourage them to share their drawings or writings with the group afterward.
  5. Music and Movement (10 minutes)

    • Play Thanksgiving-themed songs or nursery rhymes that teach gratitude and friendship, such as "Five Little Turkeys" or "Thank You Song."
    • Encourage the toddlers to dance, sing along, or act out the lyrics.
  6. Coloring Activity (15 minutes)

    • Distribute Thanksgiving-themed coloring sheets or printables.
    • Let the toddlers color the pictures while discussing what they are thankful for.
  7. Conclusion (5 minutes)

    • Recap the key points discussed during the lesson, emphasizing the importance of gratitude, friendship, and sharing.
    • Encourage the toddlers to practice these values in their daily lives.

Note: The duration of each activity can be adjusted based on the attention span and energy level of the toddlers.

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